Tuesday 25 March 2014

What was Singapore like before 1819?

Key point 1: The life in Singapore was not difficult before 1819. 

Source 1: Gold Ornaments

Type of source: Artifact
Picture Taken at Singapore National Museum 
Production Date: During 14th century
Description: It shows two earrings and a gold armlet. The armlet has the design of Kala, the Hindu God representing time and destruction.

Explanation: Gold is very expensive and rare so it could be sold at a high price. Since it was found in Singapore, this suggests that there were people doing quite well so they could afford the ornaments which were made of gold. 

Source 5: A Javanese Court Poem
Type of source: Written
Taken from Nagarakertagama 
Production Date: 1365 
Description: It contains accounts of Majapahit Kingdom and its vassal states and Temasek was mentioned in it. 

Explanation: Temasek was mentioned as one of Majapahit Kingdom's vassal state. This suggests that Majapahit Kingdom was protecting Temasek during the 14th century so Temasek was quite safe and the life would not be difficult. 

Key point 2: The military system in Singapore was doing well before 1819. 

Source 3: Sejarah Melayu
Type of source: Written
Picture Taken at Singapore National Museum
Production Date: 14th century 
Description: It is also called the Malay Annals. It is considered to have the finest literary and historical works in Malay language
Explanation: In the account, it is stated that the east Javanese kingdom of reign attacked Temesak. The reign of Paduka Sri Pikrama Wira, the present ruler of Temasek was passed down to his son which means Temesak was not defeated by Javanese kingdom and able protect itself from the attack so I can conclude that the military system in Singapore was doing well during the 14th century.